current account balance

英 [ˈkʌrənt əˈkaʊnt ˈbæləns] 美 [ˈkɜːrənt əˈkaʊnt ˈbæləns]




  1. A country that manipulates its real exchange rate influences the international composition of its imports and exports but not its total current account balance.
  2. But even when higher savings depress GDP, it remains true that the current account balance is equal to the difference between savings and investment.
  3. But as every student of economics knows, or should know, the current account balance of each country is determined within its own borders and not by its trading partners.
  4. An Analysis of Determinants of the Changes to Current Account Balance in China
  5. This is an important development since the current account balance as a percentage of GDP is one of the most widely used gauges of whether a currency is fairly valued.
  6. High interest rates and protectionism in potential export markets worsened the current account balance.
  7. The meaning of the current account balance can be seen by comparing what is above the line with what is below it.
  8. An alternative way of interpreting the current account balance is that it equals the difference between domestic saving and investment.
  9. The Impact of FDI on China's Current Account in the Balance of Payments: An Empirical Analysis from 1982 to 2006
  10. The basic balance is the sum of the current account balance and the net movement of long-term capital. It is intended to be an indicator of the long-term trends in a country's balance of payments.
  11. The US Current Account Balance is the speedometer of the money exiting the US into world markets ( deficit).
  12. Foreign direct investment continuous to flow in and the current account and trade balance continue to post surplus through out the forecast risen.
  13. The Impact Mechanism and Empirical Test of Age Structure on Current Account Balance
  14. The other is the persistent deficit in the current account of the balance of payments.
  15. The current account balance has high significantly impact on antidumping cases in developing countries rather than that of exchange rate.
  16. Looked at from the perspective of the flow of funds in the economy, the counterpart to these deficits will largely be found on the current account of the balance of payments.
  17. But others have yawning budget gaps, risky current account deficits, balance of payments problems, financial danger, or all four.
  18. But, without the intervention, that could not happen: the current account must balance the net capital flow.
  19. The current account balance puts above the line all credits and debits representing flows of goods, services, and gifts.
  20. On International Trade Structure of Benefits Distribution from Perspective of Chinese and American Current Account Balance
  21. Because of the characteristics in our industrial structure and it's derivative results, China has the double surpluses of current account balance and financial and asset account balance, which leads to the great increase in foreign exchange reserves.
  22. Exchange rate is determined and affected by demand and supply in foreign exchange market, current account balance, monetary policy, prices of related assets, economic base, national income, and international balance of payment, etc.
  23. The target of inner equilibrium can be measured by high economic growth rate and low rate of unemployment. The target of outer equilibrium is the balance of international payment, especially the current account balance.
  24. The impact of environmental factors on the current account balance depends on the relative size of the cost-effectiveness, the effect of differentiated and innovative compensation.
  25. Emerging markets hold large current account balance and foreign exchange reserves; so, many developed market countries attributed the global imbalance to undervaluing currencies and exchange rate manipulation of emerging market countries.
  26. Differ from the average individual income tax rate and the government transfer payment, the impact of indirect tax rates on the current account balance is non-linear.
  27. Here, the current account balance that we attach more importance to does not need to be zero for each period, but to be sustainable as long as its net discounted value of the intertemporal balance is under equilibrium.
  28. At the same time, three factors change the magnitude of the current account balance impact.